April 8, 2008

Garage Sale Fun!


On Sunday, myself and my super flatmate Aimee headed to First Scene costume hire in Kingsland, Auckland, for a massive garage sale. I have quite a personal relationship with First Scene. I used to know someone that lived around the corner from the store, and the first time I visited them, in the darkest depths of winter, I parked my car about 100m from the house. After getting far too inebriated to drive home, I decided to kip in my car. Imagine my shock, awe and surprise when I awoke the next morning to find a GIANT KIWI staring down at me from over the fence; a rude awakening indeed! Turns out that First Scene is a big buyer of film and television sets, and liked to keep their large props out the back of their premises, facing the road!

I was prepared for the scary animals this time, but not the bedlam. I swear that half of Auckland there, and they were ravenous. Racks packed full with costumes, tables covered in clothing, $5 junk, $10 bargains, and a piano that that small child just, KEPT, PLAYING. Oh to have shut the lid on those little fingers. Anyway, on to cheerier things! Here are some of the pieces we bought:

A rad as clock for Aimehhh:
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A MEGA SUPER RAD ASS Mega Drive with original manuals for me:
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A roll of what I thought was wallpaper, but it turned out to be contact paper! You know, old school duraseal that people used to line their drawers with? Ace!
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Check what Aimee got for the kitchen:
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And what I got for the yard!
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Oh, and I didn't buy this at the sale, but it's still mine. This is my sweet Graham, tucking into a tasty vegemite treat after a hard day's training at Westlake Boys' High School:
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I'm awfully glad he's not teaching girls, yet.

Auntie Peach Vintage coming soon listings soon!

xx Peach


Anonymous said...

I drove past that madness & contemplated going in but it was too early for crowds... or for pple to see me on a Sunday morning.
Ooh badass bread bin, something I didn't know I was missing until now, will have to keep my op-shop eye out!

Swonderful said...

word! oooh I love contact paper! you should use it to make some wall decals! it's super easy.
You'll like this!

lily, rosemary and the jack of hearts said...

my fav is the sega. what a score! I had planned on attending too but bed was too easy. Does the sega have Alex the Kid? I'm green with envy. :)