March 16, 2009

Friends of APV

Oh hai friends!

Seeing as we're all super good at adding each other's other interest blogs to our RSS feeds (I ♥ Friend or Doe btw Ginny!), I thought I'd let you know about Autumnal Fuck, my new writing blog. Sure, it's got nothing to do with vintage clothing but who cares, you may as well take a looksee. I've been trying to get back into the habit of creative writing recently, and have decided that if I keep my stuff in a public place and update on the same day of the week, I'll simply have to output stuff.

Here's the link: Autumnal Fuck. Oh yeah, and I totes tweet these days too: Peach at Twitter. It's an internet bon bon bonanza!

That's all for now, peas out.

Peach xx